
Kristina Reyes
B.Sc. Kin., C.Ped(C)

Kristina is a Certified Pedorthist. She graduated from the University of Winnipeg in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Exercise Science).  Kristina found interest in Pedorthics after meeting with Bram at WinPO who went over all the different opportunities within the orthopedic field. 

Soon after graduation she was accepted into the Western University diploma program for Pedorthics. She had shadowed C. Ped. (C) Kirk at WinPO, along with all the orthotists at WinPO and completed her practicum placements at the clinic. She attained her Certified Pedorthist designation at the end of 2022.

Outside of work, Kristina spends the majority of her time with her Husky/Shepard Ayla. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. In the summer days you will find her taking advantage of the nice weather and in the winter avoiding the cold and staying indoors reading or learning how to cook.

If you would like to contact Kristina directly, please email her at [email protected]

B.SC. Kinesiology, University of Winnipeg (2021) | Canadian Certified Pedorthist C.Ped(C) (2022)