Jim Harris
Jim is WinPO’s Peer Support Specialist. In 2013, after struggling with a severely damaged foot and ankle Jim made a firm decision to have is leg amputated below the knee (trans-tibial) in May of that year. Prior to his injury Jim enjoyed an active lifestyle in such activities as hiking, running, and cycling.
As the Peer Support Specialist for WinPO, Jim brings knowledge and understanding to patients adapting to the changes of limb loss helping them with their concerns, struggles and worries. He is here to answer your questions, help you with your concerns and provide a voice of support. Jim is not just here just for amputees; he is here to listen to those considering amputation and for those individuals living with an adaptive device.
Jim comes to WinPO with a background in coaching, training, conflict management and mediation. As the owner of CJ Harris Coaching and Consulting Jim helps people empower themselves to become valued contributors in the workplace and in their personal life.
As one of the founding members of the Amputee Coalition of Manitoba, co-founder of Manitoba Adaptive Leisure and Sport Jim hopes to unite the amputee community and those with adaptive devices by bringing awareness to the unique challenges of living with prosthetic and orthotic devices and to provide a voice for the community.
If you would like to contact Jim directly please email him at [email protected]