Eric Kuhl
B Kin, CP(c)Eric is a Certified Prosthetist, who is originally from Montreal. He has been working at WinPO since 2003. During his P&O education at George Brown College Eric was fortunate enough to travel to Cambodia and experience how patients are cared for in a developing nation. This experience gave Eric the appreciation of how diverse this profession is on a whole and benefits of those who have access to newer/advanced technologies.
Eric is passionate when working with patients with all levels of amputation and all levels of abilities. Eric emphasizes his focus on working towards patients’ goals, be it being able to transfer from your bed to a chair and living independently, or for higher-level athletes wanting to run or climb and everyone in between.
Eric has fit a number of patients with myo-electric upper extremity prosthetics and lower extremity microprocessor knees and feet that are available, as well as elevated vacuum systems.
Eric continues to volunteer with provincial and national P&O committees/associations.
Outside of work, Eric has stepped away from Ultimate, and his focus is now on coaching his daughter’s sports. He still Curls in the winter, and enjoys getting outside as much as he can.
If you would like to contact Eric directly please email him at [email protected]
B Kin. U of Western Ontario (1998) | GBC Technical Program (2000) | GBC Clinical Program (2003) | Canadian Certified Prosthetist (2005) | Current MOPA Board Member | Current Volunteer on OPC Exam Committees | BCIT PAC Member | Former MOPA President | OPC Examiner | Vancouver Paralympic Volunteer Prosthetic Orthotic Mobility Alliance (2010) |